So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31

Christ Centered

Bible Focused

Prayer Soaked

DISCOURAGED?  Have you lost hope? Do you believe the lie that you can never lose weight and keep it off? Discover a place of encouragement where you will grow in faith to realize lasting change is possible.

OVERWHELMED?  Tired of complicated programs or eating plans that are so restrictive you cannot sustain them after you’ve lost the weight? Discover the freedom and flexibility of the Eat Live Thrive Diet.

LONELY? Our coaching and community of like-minded women provide meaningful connections both emotionally and spiritually for your journey toward lasting victory.

ASHAMED?  Do you feel guilty and struggle with why it is so hard to change?  Our Academy “No Shame Zone” encourages women to give themselves the same grace God gives them and explore our strongholds as we prayerfully seek God’s healing.

What is Eat Live Thrive Academy?

Highly Accessible Coaches


  • Direct access to Danna & Robyn
  • Spiritual and Emotional Support & Coaching for your Journey
  • Questions answered daily on your private FaceBook Group
  • Weekly live zoom coaching sessions – always recorded
  • Video chat sessions via FaceBook Live
  • Prayer coverage
  • Support in uncovering Spiritual Strongholds holding you back and strategies for overcoming these.

The Eat Live Thrive Academy & Coaching Support

“The Academy truly makes me feel like I can achieve my goals with ongoing support even when I sometimes feel like quitting. They always encourage me to just keep going.”


How God Directs Our Coaching

What is Eat Live Thrive Diet?

Losing Weight Is Possible At Any Age

Don’t believe the lie that you cannot lose weight and be relatively lean into your 50’s and beyond.  We’ve created a realistic program that is highly effective for women over 45.  We’ll coach you every step of the way to realize your best health and best body for this important phase of life.

Our Eat Live Thrive Diet helps you unlock the key to what’s been stalling your weight loss.  Discovering the specific food s that are sabotaging your efforts and then learning hot to create a lifestyle eating plan you can actually enjoy is essential to your success.  As importantly, we also address thoughts and attitudes sabotaging your effort and show you how you can change them permanently and and as a result a change in your habits.

– Twice Weekly Live Zoom Coaching Sessions
– Expert Guest Sessions
– Prayer Support

– Team Accountability

– Phone App

– Facebook Live Q & A Sessions
– Community Interaction
– Special Posts
– Coaching Reminders & Recordings


– Video Devotions
– Prayer Coverage For Your Journey                                 – Support in uncovering Spiritual Strongholds holding you back and strategies for overcoming these.


– Supplement & Nutrition Guidance
– Health & Anti-Aging Strategies
– New ELT Recipes
– 4 Week Eating Plan
– Fitness Videos
– Healthy Self-Talk Downloads                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      – Zoom Coaching Recordings

What Our Members Experience

So many women have not only lost weight, but enhanced their health and felt younger using the support and coaching from our Eat Live Thrive Academy.  Here are just a few of their stories

Sheila’s Story

Sandi’s Story

Liz’s Story

“Our Eat Live Thrive coaches, Danna & Robyn rock! The Academy provides a very personal experience for all our life struggles…weight, health, menopause, and even sometimes beauty advice! It feels like we’re just a bunch of girlfriends going through all of this together!”

“The Eat Live Thrive Academy gives me the coaching and encouragement I need to be my healthiest self and the accountability to stick with my good choices.”

“The Eat Live Thrive Academy has provided me with the tools, resources, account- ability and support I need to make healthy changes in my life.”

“I’ve lost over 24 pounds with the Eat Live Thrive Diet. For me, the Academy is my one-stop shop with a wide variety of support ranging from diet and exercise to supplements, skincare and even some fashion advice on occasion!”

“The Academy has brought me out of my isolation and feeling like no one cares. Danna and Robyn do care and provide excellent resources, support, encouragement and accountability for me to be to best me I can be through healthy life-style choices.”

Realize Your Goals
Through Biblical Health and Weight Loss Coaching


Monthly Subscription $39.95

(renews monthly, you may cancel at any time)

Annual Subscription $380.00

(renews annually, you may cancel at any time)


TERMS OF USE:  Click Here


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